Tag: Nikola
Bodies In Motion
He gives me flowers before he kisses me, blue flowers and a blue kiss. I don’t know why I let him do it. I am not interested in him in that way, not any longer, or in any way actually. Perhaps he has put something in my tea, a powder dissolved from the flowers he…
The Scent of Ghosts
I get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and find Juteau sleeping in the purple tub. Her hair is draped over the back of it, and it hangs in dark waves over the porcelain. She breathes softly and her eyelids twitch as I slip into the room, but she…
Out of Balance
They are beautiful earrings, silver spirals hanging from my earlobes, long and delicate strands of metal. They nearly brush against the tops of my shoulders. I both love them and hate them. Nikola is gone. He says he will return, and these earrings are his promise of that. Promises are nothing new to me. They…
Fries and Shakes
“That is so absolutely not attractive,” I say. “Wait, wait,” Bez says. “I’m not finished yet.” “Doesn’t it hurt?” “Only if they’re too hot,” she says. “You don’t want to get a burn on the inside.” My phone rings and I answer it without looking, which is unlike me, given my general dislike of the…
A Sleepless Night
I am very sleepy today, and all the coffee in the world isn’t going to help, I think. The Kitchen God looks on disapprovingly as I brew some anyway. “Be quiet,” I say to him. “I don’t want to hear it.” He remains silent, but I know what he’s thinking. Jealous, fickle Kitchen God. I…
3 a.m.
I should be in bed, but I am not. I have not felt well today, or yesterday either for that matter: a little lightheaded, a little unsteady. I’m not sure what it is, if it’s a bug I’ve managed to catch or some internal imbalance of my body’s own making, but it’s unpleasant and unsettling.…
Nikola takes me home, once lunch is over, and I kiss him before he rides off on his motorcycle. He’s working on a project that he is eager to return to, one that he won’t discuss with me. I don’t press, because I am the same way when I am working on something as well.…
Without Focus
Some nights, here alone in my house, the words I want to write flit about like moths at a bare bulb, and all I need do is reach my hand out and grab them. This is not one of those nights. I phone Nikola, wondering if he will be awake at two in the morning.…
The Opposite of Subtle
“I sneaked into your house the other night,” Bez says. She is helping me to replace the photos in the frames on the wall of my living room. I like to rotate them out every few months or so, to keep the room looking fresh. “I know you did,” I say. “Nobody else stacks chairs…
The More Things Change…
The smell of bacon cooking wakes me. I roll out of bed and wrap myself in my robe, then go downstairs to the kitchen to see what magic is being worked. “Good morning,” Nikola says as I walk in. He is standing over the stove, bacon in a pan, eggs already on plates on the…