Category: Writing

  • The Color of Ash

    Hello, friends. Just a quick update to let you all know that I’ve got another story up for your downloading pleasure, all wrapped up and ready for you to take home. The Color of Ash, a good old fashioned tale of destructive power in the hands of someone who doesn’t want it, with some lovely…

  • Shameless Whoring Update

    For everyone keeping tabs, you should know that you can now find me over at Goodreads, where you can find out what sorts of things I’m reading and who I think is cute and stuff. Maybe not that last bit. See you there!

  • Unseen

    Hello, friends! It pleases me to no end to announce the publication of my short story, Unseen, which is currently available for your downloading pleasure over at Smashwords! Did I also mention that it is currently listed at the extremely reasonable price of FREE? I knew that would get your attention. The synposis: A terrible…

  • Blood and Bone

    “What’s your name?” he asked her. She paused a moment to light her cigarette, the flame sparkling like fireworks in her hazel eyes. “Brianna.” “No,” he said. “Not your stage name. The real one.” Smoke curled up and out from between her lips. “Your money buys my time,” she said. “That’s all.” “It’s a lot…

  • The Last Man On Earth

    The last man on earth rides his bicycle through the fog. The only sounds he hears are the chain pulling over the gears and the steady hiss of his own breathing. He is not winded, even though he has been peddling steadily for several hours. After months of bicycling, he is in better shape than…

  • Yesterday’s Fifth

    The old man raised his empty glass in the direction of the barman, and in a few moments, the waitress had brought him another beer. “Put it on me tab, love,” he said, his Scouse accent standing out like a naked man in the Sistine Chapel, Iowa being as far from Merseyside as to be…

  • Ego Boost

    “I am so far behind on all of my projects,” I say. “It’s really just sad.” “You need deadlines,” Bez says. “A little outside pressure to get you moving.” “What did Douglas Adams say? ‘I love deadlines. I love the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.’” “That’s different,” she says. “He was a…

  • Pardon As I Squee

    I am all giddy and silly today, and I blame it completely on the folks over at, who have through secret ballot and the reading of chicken entrails voted me as the winner of the March 2012 IndieInk Writing Challenge Editors’ Choice for my little story, Alpha and Omega. I am the woman who…

  • Meaningless Phrase

    She stands waiting at the top of the stairs, heels, short dress, hair up, expectations up as well. Where was she, an hour ago, two hours? Pressed against a wall, his hands up her short dress, her hair loose and wrapped around his neck, the two of them knotted together against the wallpaper. She laughed…

  • Distractions

    Nikola takes me home, once lunch is over, and I kiss him before he rides off on his motorcycle. He’s working on a project that he is eager to return to, one that he won’t discuss with me. I don’t press, because I am the same way when I am working on something as well.…